Writers Sites Voting Hall
Below you will find the names of the entries this year. Congratulations to all and see you next year.
WRITERS SITES TO VOTE FOR Aline de Chevignyhttp://www.alinedechevigny.com B. D. Tharp http://bdtharp.weebly.com/ B. D. Tharp http://scribblefw.com/ Cheryl C. Malandrinos http://ccmalandrinos.tripod.com Donna M. McDine http://www.donnamcdine.com Gloria Oren http://gloriaoren.com/ Jamieson Wolf www.jamiesonwolf.com Kassie Burns http://www.kassieburns.com/ Kathy Priebe's Writing On A Blank Page http://katpriebe.tripod.com
Aline de Chevignyhttp://www.alinedechevigny.com
Aline de Chevigny
Margaret Fieland: Poetry and Prose
The voting polls are now closed. Thank you for participating. Stay tuned for the results to be announced in a couple of weeks. The MuseItUp Club - a critique community of serious writers!